1Each student is allotted 13 hours of tutoring per academic session through www.Tutor.com (available 24/7). Additional tutoring services are also available through www.DeVryTutors.com.
*Students may participate in one DeVry-based tuition benefit program only. Those who qualify for more than one program will be presumed to accept the program with the highest reduction in by-semester cost. Students who qualify for and prefer a different tuition benefit program must confirm, in writing, the alternate program in which they wish to participate prior to starting classes at DeVry University.
**Dependents who may benefit from family tuition savings include: spouse, biological child, stepchild, legally adopted child, child for whom the employee is a court appointed guardian, child of a domestic partner, and adoptive or biological parents of the eligible employee. Dependents are also defined as a domestic partner in a committed long-term relationship. Neither party can be legally married to other individuals.