Your Time. Your Education. Your Future.

Classes Start Every 8 Weeks

Grow Your Skills, Change Your Future

You’re ready to take charge of your career, and we’re ready to help! We partner with numerous organizations and educational institutions to offer education benefits and help put professional dreams within reach.

Explore our 40+ fields of study to find your programs of interest—then contact us to learn more about the perks of partnership and how to get started.

Classes Start Every 8 Weeks
Degree Programs

Discover DeVry Programs

Organizations today rely on team members who will develop skills to help the business now, and the knowledge they can use to lead in the future. This is your opportunity to align your career goals with your education. Where will your education journey take you?

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Why DeVry?

Reasons to study at DeVry

Financial Aid

Advisors will help create a custom plan designed for your needs

Work for one of our corporate partners? Let’s explore your education benefits, too


24/7 Live tutoring1

Faculty who know you by name

Career services

E-Library and more!

100% Online options

Backed by 20+ years of innovation in online learning

8-Week Class Sessions

You could complete up to 12 courses per year when you take 2 per session

Classes Start Every 8 Weeks

Give us your basic information, so we can provide you personalized assistance.

photo of Floyd Brown
Floyd Brown
Associate in Network Systems Administration, 2019
The knowledge and skills I learned in my Network Systems Administration degree allowed me to expand my role.
Stacey (Lucchesi) Blazak
BSTM-Health Services Management, 2013
I’m thankful that I was able to go to school when I had established a career path that I knew I was passionate about. I know my education will be valuable for the career that I’ve chosen.

1Each student is allotted 13 hours of tutoring per academic session through (available 24/7). Additional tutoring services are also available through

2Employees must apply to DeVry University and be admitted and accepted as a student, meet all prerequisite and course requirements, and take the complimentary course within their first session of enrollment. Students who place at foundations level may not participate in the program until they have successfully completed their foundational prep coursework. The JumpStart complimentary course applies to courses at DeVry University and its Keller Graduate School of Management. Those interested in a 4-credit-hour course may enroll. 3 credit hours would be complimentary and the student will be responsible for the tuition of the remaining credit hour. Students are responsible for all other fees and charges, including books and the Learning Management System (LMS) fee.

*Students may participate in one DeVry-based tuition benefit program only. Those who qualify for more than one program will be presumed to accept the program with the highest reduction in by-semester cost. Students who qualify for and prefer a different tuition benefit program must confirm, in writing, the alternate program in which they wish to participate prior to starting classes at DeVry University.

**Dependents who may benefit from family tuition savings include: spouse, biological child, stepchild, legally adopted child, child for whom the employee is a court appointed guardian, child of a domestic partner, and adoptive or biological parents of the eligible employee. Dependents are also defined as a domestic partner in a committed long-term relationship. Neither party can be legally married to other individuals.