Kendra Cooper - Bachelor of Business Administration (Human Resources Specialization), 2022
Kendra Cooper - Bachelor of Business Administration (Human Resources Specialization), 2022
"After completing this third degree at DeVry I became more confident and knowledgeable in my Human Resources career... This degree has opened my eyes to how to be sensitive and ways to address HR matters."
Ever wondered what earning a degree from a University in the United States could do for you? Now, qualifying residents of the Caribbean can pursue their education online and earn an undergraduate or graduate certificate or degree from DeVry University at significant tuition savings!*
Advisors will help create a custom plan designed for your needs
24/7 Live tutoring
Faculty who know you by name
Career services
E-Library and more!
With 20+ years of innovation in online learning
Complete up to 12 courses per year when you take 2 per session
Theanille Russell - Bachelors in Technical Managment, 2023
"Earning my degree from DeVry had a significant impact on my career goals by improving my skills. It has aided in increasing my earning potential, improving job security, and pursuing long-term professional success."
Dwight Grant Jr. - Bachelors of Business Administration (Human Resources Specialization), 2023
"I was not as confident as I am now in the workplace. My degree from DeVry prepared me to advance in my career. It gave me motivation to continue my education and reach towards becoming the Comptroller of Customs one day."
Santina Cooper - Bachelors in Technical Managment, 2023
"Resources that [were] helpful for me [were] my professors. They pushed me through, sending reminders, sending kudos about my work. Encouraging me."
Patrenda Smith - Bachelor of Accounting, 2023
"DeVry has helped to build my confidence, especially in my education. In the next year, I wish to sit for the CPA exam and become a licensed accountant."
Give us your basic information, so we can provide you personalized assistance.
*Students may participate in one DeVry-based tuition benefit program only. Those who qualify for more than one program will be presumed to accept the program with the highest reduction in by-semester cost. Students who qualify for and prefer a different tuition benefit program must confirm, in writing, the alternate program in which they wish to participate prior to starting classes at DeVry University.
**Program, course, and extended or connected classroom availability vary by location. In site-based programs, students will be required to take a substantial amount of coursework online to complete their program.